Sunday, July 31, 2016

In business the context usually looks like this: “Customer àBusiness à IT” and this can cause major problems in planning cycles. So if and how can one identify predictive statistics and employ them to reduce the lag and have IT & business together calibrate to customer needs quickest?

There’s no magic bullet but Weiss puts forth some greatly helpful suggestions in the “Introduction to Business Context” article. Since every organization is different each organization should pay attention to environmental trends first and also stay on top of emerging technology and trends also. Paying attention to these will help business and IT stay future focused. This also means staying on top of the Common Requirements Vision and updating it at least yearly. It is essential that EA teams revise the CRV frequently especially as the pace of technological improvements increases.

The one Weiss quote that sticks with me most is the following: “The business context is the step in the EA process that combines the analysis if environmental trends and the business strategy and directs the EA team effort in the creation of the future state.”

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